Round 1 sprint to a good jump-point preferably behind a mountain or rock for cover, and then round 2 delay until initiative 1 before Jumping behind the target and backstab with +20% bonus damage. How you'd use it in combat will look vaguely like. And more importantly, you will need to put a cooling round in between jumps, particularly since Phoenix Hawks only gains bonus damage IF you attack the same round after you jump. An AC/2 or AC/5 and some lasers, you won't be doing a lot of really good backstabs with the base Phoenix. It's weapon mix is also kinda bad, 1 ballistic, 3 beams, and 2 support keeps you at the long/mid-range skirmishing, while you don't attack/jump every single round. The PHX-1 standard is like many base mech designs, an all-rounder and can take a variety of options, but can't really do anything outstandingly well. You can rely on jumping movement to protect the Hawk, but that is a double edged sword, as you will be looking at a +3-7 to your own to hit just to shoot back at the vindicator.LosTech can really make or break a lot of mechs, but it's also the variant you choose to use, particularly if you're using the Royal/SLDF variant.

four decent shooting phases will neuter the Hawk easy. meanwhile the Vindicator has a medium laser in the head, making it a viable threat down to the center torso (AKA the grasshopper effect). The other thing is that once the match closes to 6 hexes, that is short range for the PPC and a +1 minimum for the LRM 5 as well as bringing the Vindicators laser into play.Īnother thing that I don't think the Hawk Voters are looking at is that the weapons for the PHX are all in the arms, which pack only 10 points of armor. couple that with the superior armor of the vindicator, and this really becomes a closer 50/50 chance. simply put the Pixie will NEVER be able to close in and stay at point blank range. The Pixie has to close, which it has the speed and mobility to do, but initiative rolls will make it want to withdraw out of firing arc when it loses. that is long range for the Pixies main gun, but medium range for the vindicators PPC and LRM 5. people are assuming that the Vindicator will willingly play in a knife fight with the Pixie, when logic dictates that under all circumstances it will hang out at 12 hexes at preference. Any kind of a reasonable time-frame for determining a winner can only be attributed to dumb luck. In an uneven match, the P-hawk needs to win initiative several times in a row, and away from cover like heavy woods or D2 water. In an even match, it will just be luck of the draw whoever starts hitting their 11's & 12's. When the Vindie wins initiative and the P-Hawk jumps away, it should just back off, put 10 or 11 spaces in-between, take a shot at 12 if it gets one, and wait for the next round.

There is no reason for the Vindicator to close-ever. But I'd never play that long before calling it a draw. This is going to be another fight just like the Cicada-Assassin fight where, sure, one has a slight advantage, that, about 8 hours from now, will play out in favor of the winner. Like a 30 turn limit or a bolo that keeps them together or something-i dunno, maybe too complicated. Quote from: Zombyra on 16 January 2012, 13:52:42 I'm starting to think there needs to be more limits on how these dueling things go down.